Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In case you were wondering...

Southern Culture was amazing on Friday night.

Mary Huff is my girl.


Totally jealous of this chick.
Note: There is a lot of synthetic hair in this picture.

J: "Post this one - it's my favorite, because Rick makes stupid faces."

This is my favorite pic of the night, because it looks like the dude is all, "Behold, Rick Miller's package."
Note: I cannot answer for the contents of Rick's pants.
Another Note: That blond chick smoked dope for the entire show - we came home smelling like we'd been on the lawn at a Dave Matthews concert.

Should you find yourself in Knoxville on May 1, and are interested in hearing some good music, and perhaps have some fried chicken thrown at you by go-go dancing groupies, head to the Square Room to get you some Southern Culture.

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