Tuesday, March 24, 2009

No juicy post - just a request

One of my cats is missing. Sad face.
I know you'd think that since we have FOUR EFFING CATS that losing one would be no big deal, but dude. They're our children.
So if you've a mind to, please send a good thought or a prayer our way that she will end up back home safely very soon.


Tricia said...

I hope you find your poor kitty. How sad. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Aww, which one? Poor kitty. I hope it comes back soon! Maybe it's just teenage angst? It needed a break from your oppressive rules of no bringing dead animals to your feet anymore? :)

Seriously - I really hope it shows up soon. I know how sad this must be making you.

Petunia Face said...

Oh, I cannot imagine, I love my own kitten cat so. Positive feline thoughts your way...