Saturday, July 18, 2009

I meant to start this yesterday, but I, uh, didn't.

Each morning on orbit of a shuttle mission, the crew gets a wake-up song, usually something chosen by family or friends.

Friday morning, their song was 10,000 Maniacs' "These Are The Days", chosen for Tim Kopra.

P.S. Can I just say how much I LOVE the very-nineties-ness of Dennis Miller's mullet, and Natalie Merchant's bell-sleeved babydoll dress.

Today kicked off the first of five spacewalks, and "Home" by Marc Broussard was played for lead EVA crewmember Dave Wolf.

I also get that not everyone is interested in the worthless trivia and minutiae of the current shuttle mission, and you all will probably tire of it and start skipping my posts.

I don't care.

I worked long and hard to aid in what is sure to be their continued success. This is one of the longest and most challenging shuttle missions ever, and there are only a handful left. This is history.

I'm a little obsessed, and I'm not ashamed. So SUCK ON THAT, GEEK-HATERS!


Allie said...

That's awesome, I love hearing stuff like this even if it seems like silly trivia. I'm so jealous that you get to be a part of this, you have the coolest job evah!!!

Tricia said...

Um, who didn't dream of being an astronaut when they were little? I can't tell you how pissed I was when my best friend went to Space Camp without me. So you know, you are really just playing into that for all of us!