Friday, August 22, 2008

A miraculous thing has happened this week (and no, it is not related to my bodily functions).

I made it through a full five-day workweek without feeling like an utterly incompetent retard; with the exception of forgetting about a semi-important meeting until too late and having to attend in sneakers and jeans, I did not make a total ass of myself. Hallelujah! Dear God, please help me keep on truckin’.

So I greet the start of the weekend with not just my usual sense of relief, but also a feeling of accomplishment: I did it. Maybe I’m not such an idiot after all…


Allie said...

Oh girl, you're not an idiot. Glad to hear you had such an awesome week, keep it up! Don't forget to celebrate this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I will be extremely grateful for one of those days to hit me here. I'm surviving, but just kinda barely making it some days between classes, work and the practicum. 12-15 hour days are not becoming uncommon.

C'mon, Christmas Break, save my sanity.

Electric Monk said...

You GO, broodmare!

I swear, that joke is NEVER going to get old.