Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Is it funny or sad that it’s more acceptable to tell your coworkers that you spent most of yesterday with your head in a toilet than admit that you’ve been having panic attacks, yesterday to such proportions that you couldn’t get out of bed?

People can better handle the idea of someone vomiting than they can a grown woman that can't handle her shit. Or am I projecting?


Allie said...

I think people feel more comfortable with vomiting because it's much easier to say "Oh, hope you feel better soon" than to figure out what is the right thing to say to someone who had a panic attack. I'm actually sitting here wondering what would be the best thing to say to you but my gut is telling me just to tell you to hang in there and I hope things start calming down for you. Take care of yourself.

Amanda said...

Yes, take care of yourself. Are you medicated? I mean that in the best way. Many years ago I started medication and I am miles better than I used to be. Admittedly, the highs aren't as high, but the lows are SO much more manageable. Something to think about.

Tuesday Taylor said...

SH thinks it's about time to add a little more Gin to the Juice...
or, maybe a tad more "spiked" nog to the coffee...

Electric Monk said...

I think it's funny that you used the words "projecting" and "vomit" in the same post.

ZDub said...

It's way easier for peeps to handle the vomiting than to hear about someone's emotional state.

I'm working on becoming the friend that you can come to with your problems. And it's hard.

I hope you have a fabulous weekend. Go get a massage and have a drink. For real. (Not that those things solve problems, I'm just saying. It helps me LOADS.)


Anonymous said...

I needed to read this today, as I had the SAME day 2day on this 'supposed to be 1st day bk in the office after the holidays.' When my alarm didn't go off & I awoke in a panic at 840a I started panic attacking & couldn't bring myself to get ready & just be late. the more i thought about the emails & work I will face 2morrow, the more panicked i felt. SO, i turned on lifetime and after a couple of those cheesy a$$ movies i felt better. i guess that's what i needed ... a day of rest after 2 wks of running around like a crazy person during the holidays. I just needed a day of rest. 2morrow i will say i was throwing up. don't want to explain the panic attacks to anyone - nor is it any of their bees wax. ;) happy new year!