Thursday, March 13, 2008

I am going crazy.
All afternoon, I swear I have been followed by the smell of warm urine. So. Gross.
No, I haven’t peed on myself. And I’ve been in 3 different buildings today, and I keep smelling it, so it’s not like I’m mistaking the smell of old microwaved burritos for a bodily fluid.

Ugh, it’s making me feel all pukey. I’m going home.


Tricia said...

One time my cat peed on my jeans in the middle of the night (at least that was my assumption later). I got all the way to school before I realized it was me that smelled like cat pee.

Allie said...

LOL @ Trish!!!!
Sometimes when my nose is stuffy or I'm sick I smell odd urine-like smells. Are you sick?

Gin said...

I'm not sick, or even especially stuffy from allergies.
And Trish, now you've made me all paranoid that I walked around soaked in cat piss all day yesterday...Oh well, live and learn (ha)!